
Interested in seeking individual therapy? Any and everyone can benefit from therapeutic services. Our most important tip is to find a therapist that you connect with. If you don’t jive with a therapist, move on and find one that fits. It makes all the difference.

Therapist finder:

Postpartum Health Alliance Screened Therapist:

PsychologyToday Complete Therapist List:

Free San Diego Drop-in Support Groups:

Sharp Hospital new mom support group:

Sharp Breast Feeding Support Groups:

Postpartum depression and/or anxiety support group:

Community Resources for San Diego County:

The full list of resources for children, adolescents, and families: (

Websites for Postpartum wellness and mental health:

New Dad? Websites for you:


If you want to really nerd out with us, here are our top influencers:

Dr. Brene Brown-

Dr. Tina Bryson-

Dr. Bruce Perry-

Dr. Dan Siegel-

Some of the books deserving credit for influencing and/or supporting the Milestones curriculum:

The Whole-Brain Child-

Daring Greatly-

Parenting from the Inside-Out-

The Female Brain-

The Boy Who Was Raised as a Dog-

Elevating Child Care-

The no-cry sleep solution-

The Happy Sleeper-

The Incredible Years-

Heading Home with Your Newborn-

What’s Going on Up There?: How the Brain and Mind Develop in the First Five Years of Life